Submit Your Prayer Requests

At Burlington Methodist, we believe in the power of prayer. Whether you’re facing a personal struggle, celebrating a joyous moment, or simply seeking encouragement, we’re here for you. Please take a moment to share your prayer requests with us. Our compassionate community will lift you up in prayer, trusting that God hears every word. You don’t have to carry your burdens alone—let us stand with you. 🙏❤️

1 John 5:13 I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.  14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. 15 And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.

Please join us in lifting up these prayer requests we have received

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Share your Prayer Request 


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Your email address will not be displayed or shared.  Prayer requests can take 24 hours to be made public. 

If you do not what it listed above, simply put in the request.  “PRIVATE” – We look forward to serving you

Prayer is a beautiful way to connect with God and seek His guidance, comfort, and strength. Whether you’re going through a challenging time or simply want to deepen your spiritual life, here are some thoughts on praying for yourself and others:

  1. Pray for Yourself:
    • Transformation: Ask God to make you more like Jesus. Pray for a heart that reflects His love, compassion, and grace.
    • Courage and Boldness: Request courage to stand firm in your faith, even when faced with mistreatment or opposition.
    • Daily Strength: Seek God’s energy and discipline for each day. Trust that He equips you for whatever lies ahead.
    • Global Impact: Intercede for the spread of the gospel worldwide. Pray that Christ’s love reaches every corner of the earth.
    • Health and Healing: Lift up any health concerns you have, asking for healing and wisdom for medical professionals.
    • Sensitivity to God’s Word: Request a heart that responds to His truth and is guided by the Holy Spirit.
  2. Pray for Others:
    • Loved Ones: Remember friends and family who are going through difficulties. Ask God to meet their needs.
    • Church Community: Pray for your church members, including your pastor and their family.
    • Be a Light: Request that God uses you as a light to those you encounter—a living testament of His goodness.
    • Encouragement: Intercede for those feeling discouraged or weary. Be a source of encouragement.
    • Combat Evil: Pray against human trafficking and other evil schemes. Ask for safety and justice.
    • Joy, Peace, and Love: Pray that God ministers joy, peace, and love to those around you.

Remember, prayer isn’t about eloquent words; it’s about a sincere heart reaching out to the Creator. Whether you’re praying for yourself or others, know that God hears you and cares deeply. 🙏❤️