October 23, 2023

Sign up Now!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

This coming November 11th, Veteran’s Day, we are planning a prayer vigil in support of our veterans. Recent statistics show that every 15 minutes a veteran will take their own life.

In response to this alarming statistic, we ask if you will join us in a 24-hour prayer vigil so we can pour out God’s love and grace for these hurting individuals.

Starting Friday, November 10th 12:00 pm to Saturday, November 11th at 12:00pm with available 15 minute intervals.

To sign up go to http://www.burlingtonm.org/prayer and pick an available time. We encourage you to do this as individuals as well as groups. You may also sign up for multiple time slots.

Our church will be open on Saturday from 10:30am – 12:00pm for open prayer. We will then be hosting a worship service at 12:00-12:30 pm to end the vigil with any attending veterans to be anointed with oil.

We believe prayer is the opening of God’s grace and power on those to whom our prayers are being offered. As a community of believers, in the power of Jesus Christ, lets pour out God’s mercy.

Thank you for your time in reading this letter and I hope to hear back from you.

In Christ,

Barb Withers

Prayer Coordinator, Burlington Methodist E-mail me at prayer@burlingtonm.org or call me at 859-283-1680